Weather warnings



Weather Warning

Tropical wave #31 passing over Costa Rica

September 13, 2024
9.30 a.m,.

Discussion: Tropical wave #31 is over the country this Friday. This system is generating an unstable and humid atmospheric pattern, which increases the presence of cloudiness and rain throughout...

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Weather Warning

Tropical Wave #31 to cross Costa Rica this Friday

September 12, 2024
12 m.

Diagnosis: Tropical wave #31 is over Panama this Thursday and will transit early Friday morning through Costa Rica, increasing atmospheric instability over the country and therefore, forecasts...

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Weather Warning (Update)

Tropical wave #30 moves over Costa Rica

September 11, 2024
3:30 p.m.

Diagnosis: Tropical wave #30 is passing over the country this Wednesday, generating humid and unstable atmospheric conditions. In addition, local factors such as morning warming and the entry of...

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Weather Warning

Tropical wave #30 passing over Costa Rica this Wednesday

September 11, 2024
10.30 a.m.

Discussion: Tropical wave #30 is passing over the country this Wednesday, generating humid and unstable atmospheric conditions. In addition, local factors such as morning warming and the entry of...

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Aviso Meteorológico

Aguaceros con tormenta esta tarde y OT#30 para mañana miércoles

10 de setiembre de 2024
8.40 am

Diagnóstico: Condiciones inestables se mantienen en la atmósfera en los alrededores del país, esto debido a la cercanía de la Zona de Convergencia Intertropical y al alto contenido de humedad...

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Weather warnings history

In this section you will find the weather warnings history.

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Aviso Meteorológico-IMN-090924-Aguaceros fuertes en el Pacífico este lunes



Meteorological Warning

Heavy rains in the Pacific this Monday

September 9, 2024
10:00 am

Diagnosis: Unstable conditions continue in the atmosphere around the country, due to the proximity of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and the high humidity content. This condition, together with local factors, will favor variable rain activity for this afternoon.

Forecast: For this afternoon and early evening, showers with strong thunderstorms are expected for the Pacific slope, particularly for the mountainous areas in the Central Pacific, around the border with Panama, around the Golfo Dulce in the South Pacific and around the Gulf of Nicoya, Tempisque Valley and mountain ranges in the North Pacific. Estimated amounts between 40-80 mm with possible higher amounts at certain times.

For the Central Valley, scattered showers with thunderstorms are expected mainly in the west and north, in the rest of the region, isolated showers are possible mainly in the highlands and their surroundings. Maximum amounts estimated between 20-60 mm.

In the Northern Zone, isolated heavy showers with thunderstorms are expected, starting in the mountainous areas in the early afternoon and then moving towards the lower areas in the late afternoon and early evening. Estimated amounts are between 30-70 mm with possible higher amounts at certain times.

In the Caribbean regions, showers with thunderstorms are expected in mountainous areas and surrounding areas (10-30 mm), while the coastal areas will continue to be predominantly cloudy with the possibility of occasional rains of lesser intensity (1-10 mm), especially towards the nighttime period.

Warning: Saturated soil conditions continue in the Central Valley, Pacific slope and mountainous areas of the Caribbean and the Northern Zone, due to heavy rains over the weekend. This situation indicates a significant risk of incidents due to sewer saturation, river flooding or landslides, so special caution is recommended.

Due to the above, the IMN recommends:

• Caution due to sewer saturation in places prone to this type of flooding.
• Prevention against electrical storms and seek shelter in a safe place in case of strong gusts of wind near storm clouds, due to the possible fall of tree branches, power lines, among others. These gusts can reach 80 km/h in some isolated cases.
• Stay informed through social networks, Twitter: @IMNCR, Facebook: Instituto Meteorológico Nacional CR and the WEB Page:
Roberto Vindas