Special forecasts

Special Forecast

Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024


This forecast is issued on April 5, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. Forecast period: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


General Comment:

Next Monday, April 8, a solar eclipse will be observed, which will be partially evident in the national territory. For that day, moderate trade winds with gusts are expected towards the center and north of the country. Ranges between 30 km/h and 65 km/h are estimated towards the Central Valley and low sectors of the North Pacific. In mountainous sectors and north of Guanacaste, wind gusts may reach up to 85 km/h. In addition, conditions of high humidity are expected in the environment, so there will be greater cloud cover in the Caribbean, Northern Zone and mountainous sectors. Skies are estimated to be partly cloudy to cloudy. Scattered rain is likely to occur during the morning period in the Northern Zone, the Caribbean, and drizzle to the east and north of the Central Valley. In the other regions, no rain is expected during the eclipse period; however, the development of partial cloudiness is possible. Better visibility conditions are expected in coastal sectors of the Pacific. In the Central Valley, the greatest development of cloudiness is estimated to the east; In contrast, to the west there may be light to partial cloudiness.


Due to the above, the IMN recommends:

● Use special eclipse glasses.

● Due to the time of the event, apply sunscreen to exposed parts of the body, such as the face and hands.

● Do not expose yourself to the sun for prolonged periods during the central hours of the day.

● Wear comfortable and protective clothing such as caps and hats.

● Stay informed through social networks, Twitter: @IMNCR, Facebook: National Meteorological Institute CR and the WEB Page: www.imn.ac.cr