Weather warnings



Weather Warning

Instability of tropical wave #13 and the Central American Gyre for this Thursday

June 27, 2024
8:00 a.m.

Diagnosis: Tropical wave #13 over the waters of the North Pacific of our country leaves instability in its wake, which is added to the presence of southwesterly flows throughout the Pacific...

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Aviso Meteorológico (Actualización)

Onda tropical #13 acercándose al país esta noche y posible Giro Centroamericano (actualización)

26 de junio de 2024
5:00 pm

Diagnóstico: Condiciones inestables en la atmósfera han favorecido lluvias variables sobre le territorio nacional, las más fuertes en la Zona Norte y Guanacaste. Los montos máximos registrados...

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Weather Warning

Tropical wave #13 approaching the country tonight and possible Central American Gyre

June 26, 2024
10.15 a.m.

Diagnosis: The prevailing conditions in southern Central America are very unstable, that is, suitable for the occurrence of heavy rain events in the country tonight and tomorrow Thursday. On the...

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Meteorological Warning

Showers in mountainous areas of the Caribbean tonight

June 26, 2024
12:35 a.m.

Diagnosis: Unstable atmospheric conditions, generated after the transit of tropical wave #12 over the country this Tuesday, have favored downpours with isolated electrical storms in mountainous...

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Aviso Meteorológico (Actualización)

Tropical wave #12

June 25, 2024
4.30 p.m.

Diagnosis: The axis of tropical wave #12 (OT 12) is currently at 84°W, over the country. This system will continue to move west. In the last 5 hours, showers with thunderstorms have been recorded...

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Weather warnings history

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Aviso Meteorológico-IMN-080120-1030am



Weather Warning

Windy conditions in Costa Rica

January 8th, 2020
10.30 a.m.

Diagnosis: The passage of cold surge # 15 through the north of the Caribbean Sea, causes the trade winds to perceive very large parts of the country. At this time maximum windgusts between 94-102 km/h have been recorded in Guanacaste and in the Central Valley between 70-81 km/h. In addition, weak and scattered rains have been recorded in the plains of the North Zone and the North Caribbean, with amounts accumulated between 5-10mm since midnight.

Forecast: Because of the cold surge, very strong windgusts are forecast in Central Valley and Guanacaste Plains, with values ??between 60-80 km/h; while, in the northern sector and the North Pacific mountain range, intense wind are expected between 90-100 km/h.

On the other hand, there will be occasional rains throughout the afternoon and evening in the Caribbean regions and the North Zone; In addition to light rains and drizzles in mountainous areas of the Central Valley and northern Guanacaste. On the contrary, in the lower parts of the Metropolitan Area and on the Pacific Slope, the rest of the day will remain under a stable and dry pattern.

The cold surge is projected to move rapidly to the Atlantic Ocean; Therefore, the greatest impact will be during this Wednesday and Thursday morning. However, weather conditions will continue extremely windy over the country at least until next Sunday due to the strengthening of a high-pressure system in the Atlantic

Due to the above, the IMN recommends:

• Extreme precautions due to strong winds and their possible impact on roofs, electrical wiring, signs, trees; as well as in the mountainous parts of the country (national parks, volcanoes).

• Caution in areas vulnerable to flooding due to sewer saturation, increased flow in rivers and streams, and in areas prone to landslides.

• Caution for boats by choppy sea and very strong waves in the North Pacific, Gulf of Nicoya, Central Pacific and the Caribbean Sea, as well as air navigation due to turbulence over the mountainous sectors.

• Avoid burning of all kinds as they can get out of control.

Stay informed through social networks, Twitter: @IMNCR, Facebook: National Meteorological Institute and the Website:

Juan Diego Naranjo Díaz