Weather warnings



Aviso Meteorológico

Lluvias variables este viernes y Onda Tropical 42 para el sábado

25 de octubre de 2024
11:00 am

Diagnóstico: El viento alisio acelerado sobre la cuenca del Mar Caribe ha favorecido arrastre de nubosidad desde zona marítima hacia el país. Esta condición genera cielo mayormente nublado en el...

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Weather Warning

Showers and thunderstorms this afternoon and early evening

October 24, 2024
10.15 a.m.

Discussion: On this Tuesday, the Intertropical Convergence Zone is located close to Costa Rica and, together with local factors such as warm morning temperatures and the entry of sea breezes,...

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Aviso Meteorológico (Actualización)

Actividad lluviosa y eléctrica para este lunes (actualización)

21 de octubre de 2024
5:45 pm

Diagnóstico: Durante esta tarde se han registrado aguaceros aislados con tormenta se han registrado en varias zonas del país, esto debido a condiciones atmosféricas inestables por factores...

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Weather Warning

Rainy and thundery activity for this Monday

October 21, 2024
10:30 a.m.

Diagnosis: Local factors such as warm temperatures, high humidity content and the proximity of the Intertropical Convergence Zone favor the formation of cloudiness and showers in several regions...

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Weather Warning

Scattered downpours and storms in different regions of the country

October 20, 2024
1:00 p.m.

Diagnosis: Local factors of warm temperatures, high humidity and local breezes, supported by the Convergence Zone over our country and the instability of the upper atmosphere, are favoring...

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Weather warnings history

In this section you will find the weather warnings history.



Aviso Meteorológico

Lluvias variables este viernes y Onda Tropical 42 para el sábado

25 de octubre de 2024
11:00 am

Diagnóstico: El viento alisio acelerado sobre la cuenca del Mar Caribe ha favorecido arrastre de nubosidad desde zona marítima hacia el país. Esta condición genera cielo mayormente nublado en el...

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Weather Warning

Showers and thunderstorms this afternoon and early evening

October 24, 2024
10.15 a.m.

Discussion: On this Tuesday, the Intertropical Convergence Zone is located close to Costa Rica and, together with local factors such as warm morning temperatures and the entry of sea breezes,...

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Aviso Meteorológico (Actualización)

Actividad lluviosa y eléctrica para este lunes (actualización)

21 de octubre de 2024
5:45 pm

Diagnóstico: Durante esta tarde se han registrado aguaceros aislados con tormenta se han registrado en varias zonas del país, esto debido a condiciones atmosféricas inestables por factores...

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Weather Warning

Rainy and thundery activity for this Monday

October 21, 2024
10:30 a.m.

Diagnosis: Local factors such as warm temperatures, high humidity content and the proximity of the Intertropical Convergence Zone favor the formation of cloudiness and showers in several regions...

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Weather Warning

Scattered downpours and storms in different regions of the country

October 20, 2024
1:00 p.m.

Diagnosis: Local factors of warm temperatures, high humidity and local breezes, supported by the Convergence Zone over our country and the instability of the upper atmosphere, are favoring...

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Informative Meteorological Notice

Hurricane Oscar near easther of Cuba

October 20, 2024
12:30 p.m.

Diagnosis: According to the National Hurricane Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NHC-NOAA), Hurricane Oscar has maximum sustained winds of 130 km/h and is very close...

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Informative Meteorological Notice

Hurricane Oscar near the northern Caribbean basin

October 19, 2024
2:10 p.m.

Diagnosis: Tropical Storm Nadine developed Saturday morning off the eastern coast of Belize. According to the National Hurricane Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration...

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Weather Warning

Downpours with a thunderstorms this afternoon in the Central Valley and Pacific Regions

October 19, 2024
10.30 a.m.

Diagnosis: Local factors of warm temperatures, high humidity values ​​and local breezes, supported by the Convergence Zone over our country, will be favoring episodes of variable rains for this...

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Aviso Meteorológico

Condiciones lluviosas al norte del país esta noche

viernes 18 de octubre de 2024
5:45 pm

Diagnóstico: Las altas temperaturas, el ingreso de la brisa marina y la cercanía de la Zona de Convergencia Intertropical favoreció actividad lluviosa dispersa pero muy fuerte en varios puntos...

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Aviso Meteorológico

Precipitaciones variables en el territorio nacional

17 de octubre del 2024
08:40 p.m.

Diagnóstico: El ingreso de humedad hacia el territorio nacional, así como la cercanía de la Zona de Convergencia Intertropical, han favorecido precipitaciones con tormenta eléctrica de variable...

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