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Noticia_05112021Instituto Meteorológico Nacional
Regionalized Climate Change Projection for Costa Rica.
Instituto Meteorológico Nacional (National Meteorological Institute)
By Luis Fernando Alvarado Gamboa
In this report, the "Instituto Meteorológico Nacional" presents the update of climate change scenarios, in whose projections two of the four radiative forcing scenarios recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), specifically rcP2.6 and RCP8.5 scenarios, which represent the lowest and highest greenhouse gas emissions, respectively.
The general objective is to provide the necessary input for risk studies, so that they can contribute to better define the adaptation of policies from the short to the long term. Although this update follows the methodology of the previous study, it presents as an improvement the incorporation of two emission scenarios, more climate variables and data in digital formats (NetCDF and raster) to be used in scientific applications, including geographic information systems (GIS). In addition, the study performs the description of the scenarios according to the climatic regions of the country: Central Valley, Pacific (North, Central and South), Caribbean (North and South) and North Zone.
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