Weather warnings



Aviso Meteorológico Informativo

Tormenta Tropical Beryl avanza sobre el Océano Atlántico

29 de junio de 2024
2.25 pm

Diagnóstico: La mañana de este sábado la Depresión Tropical 2 evolucionó en la Tormenta Tropical Beryl. De acuerdo al último informe del NHC de las 18 UTC (12 md hora local), este ciclón se...

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Weather Warning

Central American Gyre influence decreases this Saturday

June 29, 2024
10:30 a.m.

Diagnosis: The Central American Gyre (CAG) maintains showers with storms on the coast and surrounding areas in Guanacaste this Saturday morning. The accumulated amounts in the last 6 hours vary...

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Informative Meteorological Notice

Tropical Depression 2 formed in the Atlantic Ocean

June 28, 2024
5:35 p.m.

Diagnosis: On Friday afternoon, tropical wave n°16 evolved into Tropical Depression 2 (DT 2). According to the NHC, this cyclone will be strengthening into a tropical storm in the next few hours...

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Weather Warning (Update)

Influence of the Central American Gyre continues this Friday (update)

June 28, 2024
4:15 p.m.

Diagnosis: This Friday, a predominance of humidity flow from the Pacific Ocean to the national territory continues, due to the development of the Central American Gyre in the region. During the...

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Weather Warning

Central American Gyre continue the influence this Friday

June 28, 2024
10:00 a.m.

Diagnosis: This Friday a predominance of humidity flow from the Pacific Ocean to the national territory continues, this due to the development of a Central American Gyre in the region....

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Weather warnings history

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Aviso Meteorológico-IMN-270624-0530pm



Weather Warning (Update)

Influence of the Central American Gyre this Thursday

June 27, 2024
05.30 p.m.

Discussion: The development of a Central American Gyre in the region is generating a constant flow of humidity from the Pacific Ocean to the national territory, causing rainy conditions during the course of this day. At this time, the most significant rains are concentrated in the North Pacific, South Pacific and the Caribbean. The highest amounts in the last 6 hours have been recorded at the following stations: Liberia 47 mm, Nosara 34 mm, Santa Rosa and Hojancha 30 mm, Osa 40 mm, Talamanca 61 mm, Los Chiles 33 mm among others.

Forecast: Rainy conditions will continue in the different regions of the country in the late afternoon and during the night.

In the Pacific regions (especially in the North and South) rains of varying intensity are expected. Accumulations are estimated between 20 - 50 mm with maximum amounts of 70 - 100 mm in 12-hour periods.
For the Central Valley, cloudy conditions and intermittent rains between light and moderate are forecast, in addition to fog and mist banks. Estimated amounts are between 10 - 50 mm. On the other hand, in the Caribbean and the North Zone, rains and heavy showers with thunderstorms will continue, during the night rains of lesser intensity than those recorded in the evening period will prevail. Accumulations are between 30 - 50 mm and possible maximum amounts of 70 mm.

The IMN is closely monitoring the evolution of these disturbances in the atmosphere and will update the information if necessary.

Warning: Saturated soils are recorded in the South Pacific and North Pacific (special attention should be paid to both peninsulas), mountains in the Northern Zone bordering the Central Valley and those in the Guanacaste mountain range. All regions are vulnerable to landslides and possible flooding.

Due to the above, the IMN recommends:

  • Be careful due to sewer saturation in places prone to this type of flooding.
  • Prevention in the event of an electrical storm and seeking shelter in a safe place in case of strong gusts of wind near the storm clouds, due to the possible fall of tree branches, power lines, among others. These gusts can reach 80 km/h in some isolated cases.
  • Stay informed through social networks, Twitter: @IMNCR, Facebook: Instituto Meteorológico Nacional CR and the WEB Page:

Rebeca Morera R