Weather warnings
Weather Warning
Variable rains in the Carribbean slope of the Country
March 25, 2025
5:40 p.m.
Diagnosis: The increase in moisture content throughout the beginning of this week in southern Central America continues, with steady cloud cover continuing into Tuesday in parts of the Caribbean...
Weather Warning
Strong winds in the north of the country and rains in the Caribbean slope this weekend
March 22, 2025
9:30 a.m.
Diagnosis: Currently, the passage of cold surge #17 over the northern Caribbean Sea and northwest Atlantic Ocean is causing high levels of atmospheric pressure in the region. This has resulted in...
Aviso Meteorológico
Vientos fuertes en el norte del país y lluvias en el Caribe este fin de semana
21 de marzo de 2025
9.40 am
Diagnóstico: El paso del empuje frío #17 por el norte del Mar Caribe y Centroamérica el día de hoy, ha incrementado la presión en la región, en consecuencia, hemos percibido esta madrugada las...
Weather Warning
The accelerated winds continues with strong gust this Sunday
February 23, 2025
11:00 am
Diagnosis: Cold surge #11 leaves behind high levels of atmospheric pressure that favor windy conditions towards the center and north of the country. The maximum recorded gusts are: between 65 -...
Weather Warning
The accelerated winds continues with strong gust this Saturday
February 22, 2025
09:00 a.m.
Diagnosis: Cold surge #11 located north of the Caribbean Sea basin has presented high levels of atmospheric pressure that favor windy conditions towards the center and north of the country. The...
Weather warnings history
In this section you will find the weather warnings history.
Weather Warning-IMN-250325-5:40 p.m.
Weather Warning
Variable rains in the Carribbean slope of the Country
March 25, 2025
5:40 p.m.
Diagnosis: The increase in moisture content throughout the beginning of this week in southern Central America continues, with steady cloud cover continuing into Tuesday in parts of the Caribbean and the Northern Zone. This translates into variable rainfall with accumulated rainfall since this morning ranging from 15 to 30 mm, with highs of 51 mm in parts of the Virgen de Sarapiquí (Northeastern Zone). Meanwhile, in the Central and South Pacific, very localized downpours are developing, with point accumulations of 30 to 45 mm in Osa, Neily, and Pérez Zeledón. Locally, up to 70 mm in Coto Brus.
Forecast: Scattered rain and showers are forecast in parts of the Caribbean and parts of the Northern Zone during the late afternoon and evening hours, with 12-hour accumulations of 15 to 25 mm, with local highs of up to 60 mm. In the Pacific regions, rainfall is gradually decreasing in intensity, with accumulated rainfall of less than 30 mm over the next 6 hours.
Due to the above, the IMN recommends:
• Caution due to sewer saturation in areas prone to this type of flooding, as well as increased flow in rivers and streams.
• Prepare for thunderstorms and seek shelter in a safe place if strong wind gusts occur or are felt near storm clouds, due to the possible fall of tree branches, power lines, among other things. These gusts can reach 80 km/h in some isolated cases.
• Stay informed through social media: Twitter: @IMNCR, Facebook: Instituto Meteorológico Nacional CR, and the website
Jose Valverde Mora