Weather warnings



Weather Warning

Windy conditions persist this week

February 4, 2025
10:40 a.m.

Diagnosis: High levels of atmospheric pressure north of the Caribbean Sea basin favor windy conditions in the national territory. This Tuesday, maximum gusts between 60 km/h and 89 km/h were...

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Aviso Meteorológico

Condiciones ventosas persisten este inicio de semana

3 de febrero de 2025
10.30 a.m.

Diagnosis: High levels of atmospheric pressure north of the Caribbean Sea basin favor windy conditions in the national territory. This Monday, maximum gusts between 60 km/h and 87 km/h were...

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Weather Warning

Strong to very strong wind gusts this Sunday

February 2, 2025
9:30 a.m.

Diagnosis: High levels of atmospheric pressure north of the Caribbean Sea basin favor windy conditions in the national territory. This Sunday, maximum gusts between 60 km/h and 84 km/h have been...

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Meteorological Warning

Rain in the Caribbean and Northern Zone this Saturday. Strong winds in the center and north of the country

February 1, 2025
9:30 am

Diagnosis: The arrival of a pulse of humidity and its drag towards the country by the trade wind has favored very rainy conditions in the Caribbean and the Northern Zone, as well as wide cloud...

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Weather Warning

Rainy conditions in the Caribbean and Northern Zone this morning

February 1, 2025
03:45 a.m.

Diagnosis: Strong trade winds, combined with a pulse of humidity coming from the Caribbean Sea, have favored rains during Friday night and early Saturday morning in the Caribbean and the Northern...

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Weather warnings history

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Aviso Meteorológico-IMN-111124-1015am



Weather Warning

Stormy conditions continue this Monday in the Pacific

November 11, 2024
10.15 a.m.

Discussion: The active Intertropical Convergence Zone over Costa Rica, together with a trough at high atmospheric levels in the Central American region and a pressure gradient in the Pacific generating a flow of westerly winds towards the national territory, are causing an extremely rainy pattern in the different regions of the country, especially in the Pacific.

This morning, cloudy conditions have predominated in a large part of the national territory, rains are recurrent in the Pacific regions and extend to a lesser extent occasionally towards the Central Valley. The amounts range between 5 mm and up to 25 mm in the last 3 hours, the highest accumulations are recorded in the Central Pacific.

Forecast: Throughout this Monday, rains of variable intensity and heavy downpours will prevail in the Pacific regions. In the Central Valley and the Northern Zone, occasional rains are expected, with a possible thunderstorm in the plains of the Northern Zone; while in the Caribbean, showers and thunderstorms are expected mainly in the mountains and plains. The precipitations will continue during the night period and towards the early hours of Tuesday, especially for the Pacific coastal strip.

The estimated accumulations by region in a period of 6 to 12 hours are detailed below:

  • Northern Pacific (special attention in the Nicoya Peninsula): ranges between 20 mm and 80 mm, with maximums between 80 mm and 120 mm.
  • Central Pacific: ranges between 20 mm and 60 mm, with maximums between 60 mm and 120 mm.
  • South Pacific (special attention in mountains, on the coast and around the Golfo Dulce): ranges between 30 mm and 60 mm, with maximums between 60 mm and 120 mm.
  • Central Valley (special attention in mountains): ranges between 10 mm and 30 mm, with maximums between 30 mm and 60 mm.
  • North and South Caribbean (special attention in mountains and in the west): ranges between 10 mm and 30 mm, with maximums between 30 mm and 60 mm.
  • Northern Zone: ranges between 10 mm and 40 mm, with maximums between 30 mm and 70 mm.

It should be noted that higher amounts are not ruled out in a localized manner in each respective region.
This pattern will continue in the country at least until next Tuesday, and it is worth noting the prolongation of the rainy pattern throughout the week. The IMN will communicate in a timely manner if there is any change in the conditions.

Warning: High soil saturation continues in a large part of the country. The North Pacific, the Caribbean, the North Zone, the Central Valley, the mountains of the Central Pacific and the entire South Pacific have saturation levels between 85% and 100%. This condition generates high vulnerability to incidents such as floods or landslides. It is recommended to take extreme precautionary measures in the event of torrential rains.

Due to the above, the IMN recommends:

  • Be careful when overflowing streams and rivers in places prone to this type of flooding.
  • Prevention against thunderstorms and seek shelter in a safe place in case of strong gusts of wind near storm clouds, due to the possible fall of tree branches, power lines, among others. These gusts can reach 80 km/h in some isolated cases.
  • Stay informed through social networks, Twitter: @IMNCR, Facebook: Instituto Meteorológico Nacional CR and the WEB Page:

Next report: Monday (11/11/2024), at 4 p.m.
Rebeca Morera R