Weather warnings



Weather Warning (Update)

Heavy downpours with a storm this afternoon and night

June 21, 2024
4:50 p.m.

Diagnosis: The predominance of high humidity and instability, as well as local factors, warm morning temperatures and the entry of sea breezes; add up on this Friday to the passage of tropical...

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Weather Warning

Heavy showers and thunderstorms this afternoon and evening

June 21, 2024.
10.25 a.m.

Discussion: High humidity and instability prevail over Costa Rica and its surroundings, as well as local factors, warm morning temperatures and the entry of sea breezes; the passage of tropical...

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Weather Warning (Update)

Heavy showers continue during the early hours of the night

June 20, 2024
5 p.m.

Discussion: Unstable conditions continue today in Costa Rica, different factors favor this pattern among them: high humidity content, the entry of sea breezes, high temperatures and areas of...

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Aviso Meteorológico

Aguaceros fuertes esta tarde en varias zonas del país

20 de junio de 2024
10:00 am

Diagnóstico: Condiciones inestables están presentes en la atmósfera sobre el país, esto debido al alto contenido de humedad, el ingreso de brisas marinas, temperaturas altas y áreas de...

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Weather Warning (Update)

Rainy activity this afternoon

June 19, 2024
6:20 p.m.

Diagnosis: Costa Rica continues to experience significant moisture input from the Pacific Ocean during the early hours of the day, which, combined with daytime warming and unstable conditions...

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Weather warnings history

In this section you will find the weather warnings history.

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Meteorological Warning



Meteorological Warning

Showers with a thunderstorm in the Central and South Pacific tonight

May 21, 2024

Diagnosis: Humid and unstable atmospheric conditions, favored by the passage of tropical wave #3, in addition to the activity associated with the Intertropical Convergence Zone, have favored downpours with thunderstorms in the Central and South Pacific regions during late afternoon and so far into the night period. The most significant amounts of the last 6 hours are the following: Marina Pez Vela 232mm, Finca Damas 82mm, Parrita 80mm, Barú 65mm, Ciudad Neily 60mm and Altamira 43mm.



Forecast: For the rest of the night of this Tuesday and during the early hours of this Wednesday, rains of varying intensity accompanied by an electrical storm are expected in coastal regions of the Central and South Pacific with amounts of 20 to 80 mm in 6 hours, with possible higher accumulations. in a localized manner. No significant rainfall is expected for the rest of the country.




Warning: Attention in coastal sectors of the Central and South Pacific, as significant rains have occurred in the last few hours. In addition, mountains of the Northern Caribbean, Northern Zone in the Sarapiquí sector, due to the saturation present in the soils. Be attentive to the development of storm clouds which present their own and significant characteristics such as descending gusts, high precipitation intensity in short periods of time and electrical discharges.





Due to the above, the IMN recommends:


  • Caution due to sewage saturation in places prone to this type of flooding.
  • Prevention against electrical storms and seeking shelter in a safe place in case strong gusts of wind occur or are perceived near storm clouds, due to the possible fall of tree branches, power lines, among others. These gusts can reach between 80 to 100 km/h in some isolated cases..
  • Stay informed through social networks, Twitter: @IMNCR, Facebook: Instituto Meteorológico Nacional CR and WEBSITE:



Andrés Gamboa Valverde
