Weather warnings

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Aviso Meteorológico-IMN-240224-11:10am



Weather Warning

Cold Surge #19 Influence

February 24, 2024
11.30 am

Diagnosis: The displacement of cold surge # 19 (CS) over Central America and the Caribbean Sea, will be generating a gradual increase in the speed of winds with a North/Northeast component starting this Saturday night, being even more evident on the day Sunday.

Forecast: Moderate to strong winds are expected during the night of this Saturday in the north and center of the country. The winds will be strong this Sunday, gusts will range between 40-75 km/h in the Central Valley and lower parts of the North Pacific; While in the center/north of Guanacaste and the mountain ranges the gusts are estimated between 70-95 km/h, gusts greater than 100 km/h could occur occasionally in the north of Guanacaste.

Regarding precipitation, little rain is expected associated with this event, specifically there could be weak rain/drizzle in the Caribbean and the Northern Zone during the night and early hours of Sunday, with accumulated amounts between 5-30 mm. in periods of 6-12 hours. Part of the cloud layer may extend to the North and East of the Central Valley causing scattered light drizzle at night. For the rest of the country, no significant rainfall related to this CS is expected. Although it should be noted that this Saturday afternoon, isolated showers could develop in the mountains of the Central and South Pacific, as well as in the western periphery of the Central Valley due to the effects of moisture entering from the Pacific Ocean.

The front and the cold mass of this CS are not expected to reach the country, therefore, no significant decrease in temperatures is expected. It is only foreseeable, due to the effect of the north wind, a small decrease in maximum temperatures this Sunday and eventually on Monday.

Current analysis indicates that strong winds will continue for much of next week.

Warning: Special attention due to very strong gusts of wind in the North Pacific and the Central Valley.

Due to the above, the IMN recommends:

• Prevention of wind gusts and their possible impact on roofs, electrical wiring, signs, trees; as well as in the mountainous parts of the country and Guanacaste (national parks, volcanoes). • Caution in air navigation due to increased turbulence, as well as in maritime navigation due to increased rough seas, especially in the North Pacific, Gulf of Nicoya and northern Central Pacific. • Avoid burning of all types, as they can get out of control. • Stay informed through social networks, Twitter: @IMNCR, Facebook: National Meteorological Institute CR and the WEB Page:

Gabriela Chinchilla Ramírez.



Weather warnings history

In this section you will find the weather warnings history.



Weather Warning

The accelerated winds continues with strong gust this Sunday

February 23, 2025
11:00 am

Diagnosis: Cold surge #11 leaves behind high levels of atmospheric pressure that favor windy conditions towards the center and north of the country. The maximum recorded gusts are: between 65 -...

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Weather Warning

The accelerated winds continues with strong gust this Saturday

February 22, 2025
09:00 a.m.

Diagnosis: Cold surge #11 located north of the Caribbean Sea basin has presented high levels of atmospheric pressure that favor windy conditions towards the center and north of the country. The...

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Weather Warning

Strong to very strong wind gusts this Friday

February 21, 2025
9:00 a.m.

Diagnosis: The frontal system associated with cold pressure No. 11 is located north of the Caribbean Sea basin and extends towards the northwest of the Atlantic Ocean. Accompanied by this, high...

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Weather Warning

Windy conditions persist this week

February 4, 2025
10:40 a.m.

Diagnosis: High levels of atmospheric pressure north of the Caribbean Sea basin favor windy conditions in the national territory. This Tuesday, maximum gusts between 60 km/h and 89 km/h were...

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Aviso Meteorológico

Condiciones ventosas persisten este inicio de semana

3 de febrero de 2025
10.30 a.m.

Diagnosis: High levels of atmospheric pressure north of the Caribbean Sea basin favor windy conditions in the national territory. This Monday, maximum gusts between 60 km/h and 87 km/h were...

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Weather Warning

Strong to very strong wind gusts this Sunday

February 2, 2025
9:30 a.m.

Diagnosis: High levels of atmospheric pressure north of the Caribbean Sea basin favor windy conditions in the national territory. This Sunday, maximum gusts between 60 km/h and 84 km/h have been...

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Meteorological Warning

Rain in the Caribbean and Northern Zone this Saturday. Strong winds in the center and north of the country

February 1, 2025
9:30 am

Diagnosis: The arrival of a pulse of humidity and its drag towards the country by the trade wind has favored very rainy conditions in the Caribbean and the Northern Zone, as well as wide cloud...

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Weather Warning

Rainy conditions in the Caribbean and Northern Zone this morning

February 1, 2025
03:45 a.m.

Diagnosis: Strong trade winds, combined with a pulse of humidity coming from the Caribbean Sea, have favored rains during Friday night and early Saturday morning in the Caribbean and the Northern...

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Aviso Meteorológico

Lluvias y aguaceros en Limón y Zona Norte este viernes

31 de enero de 2025
4.25 pm

Diagnóstico: El efecto de los vientos alisios fuertes aunados a un pulso húmedo proveniente desde el Mar Caribe está creando nubosidad convectiva ingresando a Limón esta tarde. Se registran...

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Aviso Meteorológico

Influencia de Empuje frío #9 disminuye hoy

26 de enero de 2025
10 am

Diagnóstico: El efecto del empuje frío #9 sigue generando vientos alisios muy fuertes en la región esta madrugada y primeras horas de la mañana, registrándose ráfagas de viento de hasta 116.9...

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